
Refuse & Recycling Collection


General refuse collection and recycling collection alternate each week.

Recycling includes: Glass, tins and plastic. Paper and cardboard. Garden and food waste

If you do not have a green garden bin or food caddy you may obtain one from Shropshire Council.

HOUSE OWNERS PLEASE NOTE: from 1 October 2024 Shropshire Council will be introducing an annual collection charge of £56.00 to empty greens bins (large or small). Payment for the service can be made from 1 September 2024 and food waste will no longer be allowed in green bins but must be placed in general waste or a food caddy. Shropshire Council
Shropshire Council

Recycling bins - house residents
Shropshire Council says its new garden waste subscription scheme will now begin in November, a month later than planned, after issues with bin stickers.
The authority was due to bring in the new service, costing residents £56 a year, from the start of October, meaning green waste would no longer be collected for free.
However, several (Shrewsbury) residents have claimed on social media that supposedly tamper-proof stickers - used to distinguish the green bins of subscribers - were peeling off.
If you have paid for a sticker you should, by now, have received the replacement one.
If you have any queries regarding recycling please go to Shropshire Council.

In the case of the residents of the houses collection day is Thursday - but it's advisable to put bins out on Wednesday night as collection is often early.

We ask that you put your bins back in your garage, out of sight as soon as you can to keep the estate looking smart.

In the case of the residents of the apartments please use appropriate bins in the bin store. The code for the bin store may be obtained from the previous occupier or your landlord or managing agents. Managing Agents

Do not leave rubbish or recycling on the floor of the bin stores as it will NOT be taken away by Veolia.

If the bins become full or you have large items such as big pieces of packaging, mattresses, etc. that Veolia will not take away as part of their work; it is your responsibility to take these to Shrewsbury Household Recycling Centre, Vanguard Way, Battlefield Enterprise Park, SY1 3TG. The centre is open every day of the year except Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day.
New household recycling centres booking system
From Monday 4 November you'll need to book a slot if you want to take your waste and recycling to one of the five household recycling centres. Bookings can be made up to six days in advance, so you'll be able to book from Tuesday 29 October.
Bookings can only be made by people living in Shropshire.

If you are interested in doorstep recycling you may be interested in The Old Meadow Green Matters The Old Meadow Matters

Thank you for your help and consideration in keeping the estate looking good and ensuring we all have a nice environment in which to live.