Website We hope this website covers everything you need to know but if you can't find what you are looking for please email our web administrator. Contact Us The website will be updated quarterly to keep you up to date with events and occurrences.
General information for all residents will be added to the quarterly news feed.
Confidential information for owners (freehold and leasehold) e.g. AGM minutes and service charge information will be circulated by Warwick Estates via email. Copies of these documents and other documents will be held on the Warwick Estates portal. We will let you know via the website when documents have been circulated by Warwick Estates so that you can check receipt.
There may be interim updates so please keep an eye on the website.
Notice Board A community noticeboard is in the archway under Montgomery House. It contains the quarterly website updates and other useful details for those without Internet access.
Email Where possible Warwick Estates would like to communicate with owners via email. This method is quick and efficient and reduces the cost and paperwork.
If you are a freeholder, leaseholder or co-owner please register as a member of the Residents Management Company and pass on your email address to our Managing Agents
WhatsApp Groups
We have two WhatsApp groups that are open to all residents.
Community Support This group gives any resident a place to ask for help and provides a forum for the exchange of information, trusted trades people etc. This WhatsApp group has been particularly useful allowing neighbours to offer help and assistance to one another.
Friends of The Old Meadow (FoTOM): Consists of a group of residents whose aim is to help enhance the look and appeal of the estate for all. See FoTOM
If you would like to join one or all of these groups please Contact Us