
Wednesday 1st May 2024
Service charge accounts 2024 - the good and the bad
We've had a pretty good response to the collection of the 2024 service
charge fees, so thanks to all those owners who have paid up on time.
There are, of course, some "stragglers" who are now attracting additional
charges from Warwick Estates for processing the debt. Any debts that are
not recovered will have to be borne by the estate's coffers. So please
make every effort to settle your account.
Property manager - who will be next?
We are disappointed to announce that Jade McKenzie, our interim
property manager, is to leave Warwick Estates. During her short time
with us Jade has really tried to make a difference and we are sorry to see
her go. Her replacement is yet to be announced.
Cadman gate - a tale of woe
You'd think it would be easy to fix the locking mechanisms on this gate?
Alas "no". We are still waiting to receive a reasonably priced quote to get
the work done to fix the lock and anchor the gate.
Pavement and parking - its time for a clean up
We are trying to arrange for the estates hard surfaces - pavements and
apartment car parking spaces - to get a deep clean in the next few weeks.
The work is likely to require vehicles to be removed from apartment
spaces but we will give notice to allow residents to make necessary
Shropshire Council handover - is it on the horizon?
Apparently the hand over of the riverside strip of land to Shropshire
Council is actually nearing completion according to David Wilson Homes
(DWH). We await developments. Once this happens it should be
possible for DWH to continue the process of transferring the estate's
common external areas to the estate owners - us!
RMC Board