


Sunday 1st October 2023

Autumn leaves
We are now into the season when the trees can be very beautiful with leaves changing their colour, and we see some wonderful hues of red to golden brown. We are lucky to be surrounded by many trees that help to keep our air clean from pollutants. It was very sad however to see the cutting down of the majestic trees on the northwest side of the estate near the river. They were apparently diseased and dying and it is thought they could have presented a danger to walkers taking the footpath from Castlefields through to Abbey Gardens. Some of our own trees are due for some surgery very soon to keep them in good shape and condition.

Bamboo spraying -Phase 2
The next phase of spraying other specified areas of the north garden will now be towards the end of this month, or possibly into November. This is later than last year but we have been assured that this will not alter our timescales for planting those areas in autumn of 2023. We are pleased to see that there has been little re-growth in the areas last treated in 2022/2023. Plans for the landscaping and planting of this cleared area in the north garden are in development and we will keep you informed.

Box Moth Caterpillar
There is some obvious damage to some of the box hedging, but we hope that the spraying of herbicide by the gardeners has halted any further development. We would appreciate reports of sightings so we can carry out further prevention if necessary.

Friends of The Old Meadow (FoTOM)​
Activity has continued around the estate with residents helping to clear debris, tidy up borders and doing their best to keep the weeds down. We are ever thankful to residents volunteering and giving up their time.

Gerry Smith (RMC) and David Brown (co-opted as a gardening advisor to the RMC board)