


Friday 1st September 2023

Signage - it's a marmite issue
Warwick Estates has installed and renewed some signage around the
estate, which has drawn a mixed reaction from a few residents. We have
tried to ensure that signage is minimal although obviously visible. In
some instances signs are necessary to make the estate's public liability
insurance valid.
Speed machines: Unfortunately, many drivers - both residents and
trades' vehicles - are speeding through the estate when they should be
going no faster than 10 mph. Although the speed restrictions are not
legally enforceable, they act as a guide and a reminder of what is
expected. In the unfortunate event of an accident occurring the guidance
could be cited to apportion blame if speed was an issue.
Keep Fido under control: One small sign has been erected in each of the
communal gardens reminding dog owners to keep their dog on a lead in
the common areas of the estate. Not everyone is comfortable with dogs
especially children and vulnerable people. According to Blue Cross vets:
"Allowing a dog to be dangerously out of control in any place is against
the law, whether in public or in your own home or garden. A dog does
not have to bite or physically injure someone for it to be considered out of
control - it could still be an offence if someone simply fears your dog
could hurt them because of its behaviour."
Furthermore, the communal gardens are for the benefit of residents to
enjoy peace and tranquillity; dogs should not run amok on the lawns or in
the planting or be allowed to toilet on the grass or in the flowerbeds.
Parking rules: We soon hope that the dispute with the parking company,
VCS, will be at an end and that we will be able to remove this signage at
long last. But we are still seeing residents and visitors parking in "No
parking" areas; on pavements; blocking access to bin stores; cutting light
from apartments and making it difficult for others to enter/exit their
spaces. Please be mindful of your neighbours.
RMC Board