


Tuesday 1st August 2023

Toads in the gardens?
There have been sightings of toads around the gardens recently and one was
seen in a resident's garage. Evidently many toads live in gardens as they are
habitats that provide shelter, damp areas, and a good source of insects and slugs
to feed on. Apparently harmless but if threatened they can release a toxic
substance called bufotoxin from their skin. This toxin can cause severe
symptoms in dogs, ranging from mild irritation to serious complications. So the
advice is to keep your dog on the lead when in and around the gardens.
Cooler now, but unfortunately wetter - all a bit topsy-turvey......
We have seen some real changes in the weather recently. After all that lovely
(for some) sunshine and warmth, we had some very heavy rains in July, but now
more temperate and changeable. From our perspective this is encouraging more
weeds than normal, not only in all the cracks and crevices of pavements but in
the areas of bare soil we are waiting to replant in the autumn. Since the new
gardeners started in January of this year they have experienced a few setbacks,
and this has meant we are now playing catch up in earnest with the work to be
done all around the estate. A programme of work is being devised between
them and David Brown, our resident advisor to the Board, to get to grips with
what needs to be done. This involves plans for replanting of the areas just
mentioned: completely clearing, or alternatively thinning out, of planting that
has unfortunately built up over the last few years. We are doing our best - so
please watch this space.
Bamboo spraying - Phase 2.
We are expecting the next phase of spraying to start on other areas of the north
garden in the next month or so, and the 'wet wiping' of any remaining bamboo
left from the last treatment. We will advise you of the date as soon as we know.
Friends of The Old Meadow (FoTOM)
A big thank you to the few residents who are doing some weeding (a never-
ending task), tidying borders, planting up pots, sweeping up debris and picking
up bits of litter from their locality. All this helps to keep our 'village' tidy.
Gerry Smith (RMC), and David Brown (co-opted as a gardening advisor to
the RMC board).