

Thursday 27th October 2022

IMPORTANT ALL RESIDENTS - Parking enforcement concerns
Parking enforcement agents VCS has been patrolling the development and has issued tickets and fines to a number of vehicles parked in the apartment bays on the basis that vehicles have "not displayed permits".

Warwick Estates is currently in correspondence with VCS regarding the matter, as the current understanding is that there is no legal contract in place between Warwick Estates, The Old Meadow Management Company and VCS to patrol and enforce parking restrictions therefore removing any validity to fines. The original enforcement agreement was repudiated in the autumn of 2020.

Take action now
However, residents who have received a PCN (Penalty Charge Notice) should appeal immediately in case the matter becomes a legal issue between Warwick Estates, The Old Meadow and VCS.

There is an appeals procedure set out on the back of the PCN however, should your appeal be rejected, you should then appeal to the Independent Appeals Service (IAS) as shown/stated on the back of the PCN. We hope that Warwick Estates' legal department will have resolved the issue before the need to use the IAS appeal procedure, but you need to appeal to VCS immediately.

Below is some suggested words to use in the appeals process.

"I am in receipt of this parking charge notice VCS xxxxxxx that is totally unenforceable as no parking permits have been issued at any time on this estate. The estate is not regulated or subject to parking control, as I believe the contract was repudiated in Autumn 2020 and that your company is in discussions with the managing agents, Warwick Estates, with reference to this matter.

There have been no parking permits issued and therefore, this vehicle was parked in accordance with the current estate rules and requirements.

Please cancel this PCN immediately and confirm that this has been done."

Further updates will appear on the website and via the community WhatsApp group if and when the situation changes, so please keep a look out for the latest news. Please let us know if you have received a PCN and report any other concerns via Contact Us

Owners sign up for email correspondence - please go paperless!
If you are an owner (apartment or house) and not yet signed up to have correspondence from Warwick Estates delivered to you by email and you are able to use this route, please contact Warwick Estates' property manager with your details (email address, name and property(s) you own). This means Warwick Estates can contact you faster and more effectively and reduces expensive correspondence and mailing costs for the estate.

The Old Meadow annual update
The Board hopes to contact all owners before the end of the year with an update on the land transfer by David Wilson Homes and other estate matters, including sewer adoption, accounts and service charges for 2023. It is likely that the next AGM will take place at the end of January/beginning of February 2023 when we hope there will be more significant news to report.

RMC Board