


Sunday 1st May 2022

Have you been billed?
We understand that Warwick Estates has now re-issued service charge demands for the estate costs to ALL owners. The amount per property is around £270.00. If you have not received a bill or have queries, please contact Samantha Campbell our property manager at Warwick Estates at

As we mentioned last month, we continue to press Warwick Estates for a full explanation on its handling of the issue of service charge demands. It is in everyone's interest to pay the demand promptly so that we have funds available for estate costs during 2022.

New owners
As we said on previous occasions, if you are a new or relatively new owner and do not think that Warwick Estates has your details and you are not registered as a member of the RMC (Residents' Management Company), please contact Samantha Campbell.

We are aware that the list of owners is not up to date and while Warwick Estates is working through amendments it would help if you informed them directly. If you are a new/relatively new owner and have not received a service charge bill then it is likely that your details are not recorded. So please act.

Warwick Estates ticketing system
Don't forget to log any issues relating to the estate's grounds with Warwick Estates via its online ticketing system. For this you require a customer login (provided by Warwick Estates). This means there is a record of all reported issues.

RMC Board