


Monday 1st November 2021

Autumn delights: As autumn progresses and the leaves start to change colour before falling to the ground, the frantic activity of the many squirrels living near to us is amusing to watch!

Have you seen them digging into your tubs and pots either searching for a tasty bulb or two or possibly burying conkers from our nearby Horse Chestnut? Their mischief was very evident recently at the rear of Montgomery House where they had clearly been at work spreading the compost from the tubs all around.

In the two main feature gardens the changing colour of the leaves on the trees is a delight to see with the Acers in particular turning to a dark scarlet.

November is often one of the months that the river chooses to breach its banks and come into our gardens. Will it happen this November? The recent rainy spell has led to a significant rise in the river level but there is still some way to go before we need to start planning for a post flood clear up!

Friends of The Old Meadow (FoTOM): FoTOM were busy last Tuesday, removing most of the summer bedding plants from the tubs and borders and replacing them with pansies and polyanthus. Hopefully these will settle in nicely and provide us with a colourful display in the spring.

As well as the winter bedding some 700-spring bulbs were planted including crocus, hyacinths, miniature daffodils and grape hyacinths. If the squirrels don't get them these too should provide some spring cheer.

So a big thanks you to the small group of Friends for giving up their time. I anticipate we will be back out around the development over the winter months on the occasional litter picking session and helping to keep the development tidy for the benefit of us all.

On the planned future remedial and replanting work, we are still working on drawing together plans and seeking costs for any proposed work, so watch this space for further updates in due course.

John Yeomans