
DIG THIS April 2021

DIG THIS April 2021

Thursday 1st April 2021

The Old Meadow Gardens Update April 2021

All those who overlook the two Court yard gardens or have been for a walk through them during the last week will have noted some significant changes.
The work in these gardens is the first stage of an ongoing plan to replace failing areas of planting whilst also trying to enhance the resilience and visual impact of the gardens.

Limetree Landscapes started work on site on Wednesday 24th March following a slight delay whilst we waited for the river levels to fall and water leave the external pathway into the gardens.

Removing some of the existing planting including some very stubborn Bamboo called for the use of a mechanical digger and the use of a skip placed to the rear of Cadman Close.

Many thanks to the residents affected by the comings and goings, at last the skip has gone and much of the planting completed.

Pippa Wilcox, the horticulturalist appointed for this project, was present and involved in the laying out of the plants and planting to make sure all was done to her master plan. For those who watched the proceedings, you would have noted that Pippa was ably assisted by our own resident David Brown who has given up much of his time in bringing together this first stage of work.

You will note I'm sure that there are several bare patches that have not been planted yet.

This is due in the main to supply problems. Pippa has been very specific in terms of the species she has selected and doesn't want any substitutions! This may mean having to wait a short while for plants to be sourced and delivered. This is particularly the case for the two semi-circular beds in the south garden which are due to be planted with particular Salix species. These have been hard to find and may have to be imported from Holland.

If the delay takes us past safe planting time, we will probably resort to a summer display of bedding plants as a temporary fix for the summer season.

It is hoped that over the next few years money can be found from within our budget to continue to replace areas of struggling or inappropriate planting with species which will enhance the overall appearance and in particular to add more colour, flow and form to the gardens.
Pippa Wilcox has considerable experience in garden design, which we are sure will help us achieve a significant uplift in the look of the gardens.

As is often said," Rome wasn't built in a day ", and so is the case that all that we would wish to do now, has not been possible, in the main due to budgetary constraints. Be assured though that this is the beginning rather than the end of our work on the gardens.
We also plan to do more work in the North Garden, to look at the garden at the rear of Cadman Close and all the beds around the development.

If you have particular views about an area of the gardens that you feel is being overlooked or needs some improvement please let us know. It may be that with volunteer efforts from The Friend's group we can get something done.

The photographs will give you an idea of what plants are being put in and hopefully how they will look once they start growing. I have added more photographs under the management information page.

John Yeomans