


Wednesday 1st November 2023

Tree surgery
The programme of pruning and reducing the height of some of our trees will
start very soon, and will be carried out by a qualified arborist. We anticipate
that this may allow more light into some residents' homes, and it could
also improve the view across the gardens. But the prime purpose of the works is
to ensure the health and long-term viability of our trees.
Bamboo issue
The next phase of the herbicide spraying of areas of invasive bamboo will take
place this November, and this will allow replanting of those areas in the
autumn/winter of 2024. The planned soft landscaping and replanting of the
areas already treated on the north and east sides of the north garden, is to begin
in the next few months.
Moss and leaves on paths and block paving
We are now into the late autumn/winter season when we have to deal with fallen
leaves and moss. Unfortunately, the north facing areas that see little sun gather
the most moss. So please be careful when walking around the estate to be wary
of any areas of wet moss and leaves that could prove to be slippery. Treating
these areas of moss is being discussed with the gardeners and the managing
agent, and will be dealt with soon.
Friends of The Old Meadow (FoTOM)
Activity has ceased for the time being as it has been so wet and is now getting
colder. We would like to arrange a get-together before Christmas so please keep
an eye on the Website, and the FoTOM and Community WhatsApp platforms
for information.
Gerry Smith (RMC) and David Brown (co-opted as a gardening advisor to the RMC board.)