


Thursday 1st June 2023

Main gates remain a work in progress
As reported last month, the main entry gates are due an overhaul. After
eight years of carrying the very significant weight of the gates, the hinges
have at last been replaced. However, to further improve the system, the
contractor has advised that a new motor and drive linkage are needed on
the leaf nearest to the railway. Once fitted this should give the gates a
longer life span and make them operate more effectively. 
Land transfer progress grinds on
Sadly no further progress has been made in relation to the transfer of the
external common areas to owners. Board members continue to press
David Wilson Homes and its legal representatives to move matters along.
Shropshire Council is yet to accept the transfer of the strip of land beyond
the estate boundary into its ownership and this is holding up all the other
legal matters. We continue to press for a resolution.
Works around the estate
Warwick Estates is set to complete a series of long-standing works
around the grounds, these include renewing broken signage, repairing the
steps into the gardens, refreshing paintwork on railings and, of course,
fixing the pedestrian gate at the end of Cadman Place. The latter may
need some significant work to make it fit for purpose. Warwick Estates is
using a new contractor and so we hope to see some results very soon.
Tidy gardens, happy neighbours
Out of respect for your neighbours please keep your garden tidy and your
hedges trimmed. Please store all your wheelie bins in your garage not on
the street especially now that temperatures are rising. Shropshire Council
will provide you with a green bin for garden waste, apply via its website.
Pick up your butts
Some of the gravel areas at the rear of Montgomery House are riddled
with discarded cigarette butts. As well as being unsightly and potentially
getting into the watercourse, they are extremely difficult to clear away.
Please dispose of your fag butts responsibly.
RMC Board