


Saturday 1st October 2022

Watch out there's a thief about
At the end of September an attempt was made to break into one of the bicycle stores. The locks are in the process of being replaced. We believe the culprits were arrested after an attempt to flee the scene by jumping into the river from which they were later rescued! This all serves to illustrate that unfortunately there are thieves around. So please be vigilant about any unusual behaviour. With Christmas around the corner and an increase in packages being delivered to homes, these provide rich pickings especially if left on doorsteps or in hallways.

Main gates back in action
The main gates are back in action and are now closing in the evening from 7.30 pm and opening at 7.00 am.

Service charge accounts, time to pay up
We have received some concerns from owners who have been chased by Warwick Estates in relation to outstanding service charge bills. Please note that apartment owners must pay the service charge bill for their block charges to PEM; but in addition there is an annual service charge fee for the estate's communal areas and this is administered by Warwick Estates. Anyone purchasing an apartment or house should ensure that their solicitor checks that the previous owner has settled all outstanding charges. And if you are a new owner let Warwick Estates know asap by contacting

Is there a fox about?
An owner has suggested that some of the excrement around the estate could be down to urban foxes making their mark. This is a real possibility. Please ensure that all waste bins are kept indoors and avoid leaving any foodstuffs around that could attract foxes or rats.

RMC Board